Snake Safety Tips


rattlesnakeFire danger isn’t the only concern in California. Extreme heat is bringing out rattlesnakes and residents are finding them in their homes, yards and gardens and calling 911 for help.

What can you do to safely keep these unwanted snakes from homes and yards?

Nature-Cide, a Los Angeles company that makes poison-free insect and reptile repellant, offer some tips.

1. If you see a rattlesnake, don’t try to pick it up, scare it off or move it. Don’t even think about getting close to take a photo.  Remove yourself and your family from the situation.

2. Use an all-natural snake deterrent that won’t be dangerous if your pets or children ingest it.

3. Don’t call 911, but the police department’s business line. If available, animal services officers will catch the snake and release it into the wild.

4. Do call 911 if bit by a rattlesnake; it is imperative to get treatment immediately.

5. Watch your pet for signs of distress including bruising and swelling.