One-on-One with Patti Brotherton


Regional VicePresident-Orange County, Prudential California Realty


Q: How did you get into real estate? Describe the path that brought you here.

A: My mom was a real estate broker for 20 years before I started, so I somewhat grew up with real estate. She retired from the business 1½ years before I decided to enter the profession. I had my second son and was getting bored at home. So, I started a babysitting co-op so that I had built-in babysitting without it costing anything in order to go into real estate. Our sons were 2 and 4 at the time so it was important that I have a job where I can be with them as well. And, that is how it all began.

Q: What do you feel are your strongest attributes that set you apart from the other talented and hard working people in the industry?

A: One of my strongest suits is that I put people first – I really care about them, their families, their financial situations, their dreams. It is such a gift to be able to help others.  I am also very organized. I do not procrastinate. I see something that needs to be done and it is done. I also have pretty good common sense so I can see the big picture as well as get down to the nitty-gritty. I believe that every person is important and has something to offer, so I do listen to what others say about ideas and things that will make a difference in their lives and I try to help accomplish those things as quickly as possible. I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm because I love what I do. I never quit.

Q: What are the most important lessons you have learned, professionally and personally?

A: Never take anything for granted. There is always someone more knowledgeable than you. Surround yourself with people who know more than you do. Listen to the advice of others. Always put yourself in the others’ shoes when making decisions, so it is fair for all.

Q: What is your prediction for the housing market along coastal Orange County?

A: Orange County is a destination county – people will always want to live here. It has so much to offer and we are very fortunate to live and work here. I believe that the market is going to be fairly flat for the time being, but people will still be buying and selling their homes. And, real estate always comes back strong because we are the only nation in the world with so much private ownership of homes. As my son told me this past weekend, “It is a good time to sell as long as I buy another property, because what I am buying is such a good deal right now.”

Q: I hear you are an author? What have you written and do you still find time to write?

A: I have written two books for real estate: “Blueprint for Real Estate Success,” which took an agent week by week through their first six months in the business; and “Shoot for the Moon,” which was about goal setting. I have written dozens of articles for real estate magazines as well as Internet sites. I am currently writing a book about Alzheimer’s as I was responsible for both my parents for more than 10 years, and they both suffered with the disease. It is titled already, “The Fun of Alzheimer’s.” The purpose of the book is to show people that we can make it fun for the person who has the disease.

Q: What is your favorite thing about this area?

A: I love the beauty in Orange County – the sea, the greenbelts, the arts, the people, the fun everywhere, the great restaurants and the community service of everyone; it’s hard to say one thing. I just love the energy that surrounds me here.

Q: What advice do you have for people trying to buy or sell a home in this market?

A: My advice in this marketplace is to be realistic about pricing – listen to your Realtor; they want your property to sell as much as you do. That goes for both sellers and buyers – be realistic, too.

Q: What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

A: I love to read, travel, enjoy my home in Baja, walk, do community service, go to plays, hear good choral music, attend the symphony, and have family and friends over for meals and fun.

Q: Do you have a motto or philosophy that helps guide you?

A: Enjoy the moment.


Q: How many people and offices are you in charge of, and what are your main responsibilities?

A: I have 14 offices and more than 850 agents that I oversee in Orange County. My main responsibility is to help my managers and agents in any way I can to do a good job for our clients. Whether it is individual ideas for my agents, going over tough decisions with managers, opening new locations, creating networking functions that will help bring the agents more business, or just being a person that the managers can bounce things off of, that’s why I am here.


Reach Patti Brotherton at 1400 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 200, Newport Beach. Her direct phone is 949.219.2583. Email her at