LBOR and Affiliates Support Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month

The directors and staff of the Laguna Board of Realtors: (L-R, back row): Geoffrey Dunlevie, Director Elect, Hanz Radlein, Treasurer-Elect, Traudi Hansen, Past President, Maura Short, Director, Jim Ardery, President-Elect, and Frank Hufnagel, Director. (L-R, front row): Michelle Orozco, Administrative Assistant, Mary C. Nelson, Administrative Assistant, Marie Thomas, Director for Life, Dave Csira, Board President, Laura Baptista, Director Elect, Dede Westgaard Pike, Director, Kendall Clark, Director Elect, and Bobbie Jordan, Association Executive.

Realtors and Affiliates gather during the month of November to donate food and toiletries to support the annual Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month organized by the City of Laguna Beach Housing and Human Services and toiletries collection by local Girl Scouts.

Since 1924 the Laguna Board of Realtors and Affiliates with over 800 members has been an active part of the charitable community in Laguna Beach. Many of the members serve as leaders on nonprofit boards, committees and local government organizations that work to promote and protect citizens’ property rights and give back to their community.

Hunger can affect people from all demographics. There are nearly 290,000 people who struggle with hunger in Orange County and more than 15 percent of children are at risk of hunger each month according to the Second Harvest Food Bank. Many of those affected are the working poor who struggle to make ends meet in a county that has a very high cost of living which impacts all facets of their lives.

For more information about the events of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month, visit