Building Sustainability Into the Landscape


One on One with Warwick Hunt
By Gina DostlerHUNT Headshot

Landscape architecture firm Studio H relies on design ideas, ecologically sensitive materials and creative solutions to tackle landscape design challenges without exceeding a client’s budget. President and principal owner Warwick Hunt assembles a team of professional design services from concept to construction with a combined experience of over 55 years in both residential and commercial design.

Q: Why is a landscape designer’s work a better investment than a contractor’s?
A: It’s a misconception that simply hiring a landscape contractor will save you money. One instance, the landscape contractor might offer a free landscape plan yet it is contingent on signing a contract with them. Look carefully because the contract might not allow you to bid to multiple contractors for price comparison. And at the same time the contractors might inflate their rates knowing you won’t be able to use another company, making this one of the costliest mistakes for a customer.

Q: Do you do the contract work?
A: I do not. But I am a licensed contractor, which with pricing knowledge I can pass on to the customer. One thing many customers like about our company is we put together an excel spreadsheet from the very beginning, breaking down the cost to see exactly where the money is going. They are aware of what goes on during the whole process and what it takes to make it happen. As a landscape architect, we are constantly kept abreast of sustainable design practices and new technology that also effect pricing.

Q: What are some examples?
A: Just like an architect designing a sustainable home, as a landscape architect we consider the environmental impacts as well as utility savings for over the long haul. LED lighting can reduce energy consumption up to 80% with a life expectancy up to 20 years. Drip irrigation can reduce water consumption up to 75%. And properly located trees and shrubs can reduce interior energy costs by as much as 50% in the summer months. So overall, investment in a landscape architect has the potential for savings many years down the road.

Q: How does the excel sheet help your customer?
A: We break out three main areas where costs arise: utilities, hardscape and softscape. Electrical, gas lines, demolition and soil grading go under utilities. Hardscape encompasses solid structures such as building walls, fire pits, swimming pools, and shade structures. And softscape involves planting, lighting, and irrigation with all the linear and square foot pricing. The spreadsheet ends up showing where each dollar goes and if necessary, where to cut for cost savings. Plus the customer can see the value in the complete design and it provides reassurance where their money is going.

Q: Is sustainability a big aspect in what you do?
A: We have always looked towards sustainability, even 14 years ago when we began. But now, we are really busy because of the drought. Every project we work on has a sustainable aspect to it. Our company always looks for ways to use sustainable practices and educate our customers on how they can help out. It is amazing that just five years ago it was really hard to sell sustainability. These days, people are asking us for sustainable design practices.

Q: You are unique in how your company works together as a team.
A: I have people who work out of their home with over 10 years experience. They have gathered from some of the top landscape architect firms in OC and LA to work for me after having left their previous job to raise a family. We use Skype to speak with each other and do many screen share sessions with our clients when not visiting the actual site. It’s a very environmentally friendly way to conduct business; no pollution from driving back and forth to the office and adding to the traffic congestion. We do get together as a group now and then, but most of our internal meetings take place on a computer.

Q: Do you think this is part of your success?
A: Absolutely. I find people work better and are more excited about their work when they do it on their own terms. I never ask my team to do something they are not passionate about. Each has their area of expertise that they love to do. We are an organization of very experienced personnel, good at what we do, working virtually and doing it very well.

Warwick Hunt
Landscape Architect
Studio H Landscape Architecture, Inc.
Newport Beach | Pasadena