Agent of the Week: Todd Davis


Tips for Spring Cleaning and Emergency Preparedness

Todd Davis provides seasonal advice for you and your home

It’s Spring and I feel lucky to live and work in such a beautiful place!

Are you and your home ready for Spring?
Spring’s warmer longer days inspire us to start Spring cleaning. It’s a good time to check in with your home and make sure it’s in good working condition for the warmer outdoor months ahead. Here’s a list of some things you can do in and around your home to not only keep it tidy and clean but in some cases safe as well. These are also good to-dos should you decide to sell your home.

• Inspect roof
• Clean gutter
• Clean or replace HVAC filters
• Clean dryer vent
• Check washing machine hose
• Clean and repair window screens
• Clean and inspect outside surfaces like decks and fences
• Clean and inspect walkways and driveways
• Paint cracked or peeling paint
• Vacuum refrigerator coils
• Replace smoke detector batteries
• Check window and door seals
• Clean around AC compressor
• Trim and prune vegetation and tree limbs
• Check water heater

And while you are checking and preparing here’s another handy list. Items to remember in case of an emergency evacuation. You can even keep many of them in an emergency kit.

• Keys to House, Vehicles, Safety Deposit Box, Storage Units, Office, etc.
• Wallet/ID
• Passport
• Medicines
• Wedding Rings, Jewelry
• Cash
• Backpack
• Box with Documents and Important Papers
• Camera Equipment
• Computer / Tablet
• Mobile Phone
• Charging Cables
• Photos, Slides, Family Albums, Wedding Album
• Suitcase with Clothing Items
• Jacket
• Eyeglasses
• Water
• Snacks
• Emergency Radio
• Flashlight / Lantern
• Cherished Heirloom/Favorite Treasure/Artwork
• Toiletries / Tissue
• Pets, Pet Food/Medications and Supplies

You can also stay up to date with relevant information from our local public safety departments and schools by signing on to NIXLE . Text your zip code to 888777 to opt-in. Or you can sign up at

We in the community continue to express our gratitude to the firefighters and first responders, locally and from the surrounding area, that kept our neighborhoods safe and sound during the recent Emerald Bay fire scare.

Todd Davis can be reached at 949.447.4444 or